Acheter en Chartreuse - Privacy Policy

Acheter en Chartreuse privacy policy

The Acheter en Chartreuse project is committed to protecting your privacy. Most of our services can be enjoyed without having to communicate to Acheter en Chartreuse any personal data, but in some cases it may be required to provide certain information in order to access the services. This privacy policy describes the collection and processing of data in such cases. This privacy statement applies only to the services made available by the Acheter en Chartreuse application.

Collection and use of personal data

Personal information will be requested only in cases where such information is necessary to identify you or contact you. Typically this is done in cases where it is necessary to register in order to make use of a service, such as leaving comments or join a discussion. In such cases Acheter en Chartreuse services also gather information about the hardware and software used, such as IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name and Web site addresses from which a user has logged in. This information is used to improve the quality of service and to provide general statistics about Acheter en Chartreuse. Acheter en Chartreuse services also collect information on the pages visited by users within the service. Data related to visited pages are never linked to your personal information. Personal information is collected solely in order to access value-added services.

If you decide to give your consent, your data may be used for purposes of promotion of Acheter en Chartreuse activities. Acheter en Chartreuse may disclose personal information only if required by law or in case there is the firm belief that such action is necessary to:

(1) comply with laws and local regulations;

(2) protect and defend the rights or property of Acheter en Chartreuse.

Control and access to personal information

The personal information you provide to Acheter en Chartreuse for registration or for any other purpose is not shared with third parties without explicit permission from the you, except for the limited instances described above. Personal information will always be used for the purposes described above. Registration, if required, also allows the user to specify if you wish to be contacted by Acheter en Chartreuse and how such contact should occur. Acheter en Chartreuse provides users with all the tools they need to make sure that personal information is correct and up-to-date. If you register for the services offered by Acheter en Chartreuse, you can edit and update the information provided at any time.

Changes to this privacy policy

Acheter en Chartreuse reserves the right to modify this document. If we use your personal information differently than specified in the legal information provided at the time of collection of the data, users will be notified through announcements posted on Acheter en Chartreuse.